Pokemon Tower Defense Traing Guide

Getting Started

Understanding the trading system is like a walk in the Pokepark. If you are currently playing Pokémon Tower Defense, you will need to click on the "Trading" button to visit the Pokémon Center. Remember that you cannot trade in the Pokémon Center and play the game at the same time because you may lose your progress. Once in the Center, choose the profile you want to use for trading. Upon doing so, several options open up for you.

PTD Trading Guide

Creating a Trade

In the Create Trade section, all the Pokémon in your Tower Defense account will be displayed for you to choose from. This works much like a Buy and Sell listing, only with the possibility of instant exchanges. From here, clicking on one of your monsters takes you to another page where you can set up your Pokémon Requests.

Pokémon Requests are the conditions you want for a trade to take place. People will have to meet all of the parameters you set to instantly exchange their Pokémon with yours. Otherwise, if you do not set any requests, people still have the option to offer their Pokémon to you. In that case, you will have notification in the Your Trade Request section of the Pokémon Center and you will have the chance to accept or decline their offers.

To ensure that you get exactly what you want, you may declare up to six particular Pokémon you want people to trade in return for a single one of yours. You can also set the Pokémon type (Regular, Shiny, or Shadow) and its level. You may also declare a "Trade for Any" condition if you have no specifics in mind. After you put in your requirements, a Trade ID will be assigned to your advertised Pokémon.

Asking Too Much

Remember that it is not always in your best interest to declare the maximum amount of Pokémon Requests. Trading a Pidgey for a Snorlax, three Legendary Pokémon, a Mew, and a Victini does not make much sense even to new players. The trick here is to keep your trades reasonable. The sheer amount of listings makes it tough for people to find any kind of trade as it is. There are just so many unbalanced trade requests that end up buried and forgotten.

Also, know your Pokémon and keep your trade expectations realistic. Do not expect that a Shiny Pokémon, readily available during the first few Challenge Maps, will get you a monster that has a 0.1% spawn rate. Sure, flukes exist, but you will spend too much time looking for something that may not exist.

Managing Your Trades

Whenever you make your Pokémon available for trade, it will be confined to the Pokémon Center and will not be usable in-game. Do not worry if you ever change your mind, you can always check your listing in the Your Trade Request page. Click on "Call Pokémon Back To Profile" and your Pokémon will be back in your game instantly.

The Your Trade Request section is broken down into two parts. All the monsters you stored in Pokémon Center are listed by kind. Beside its basic stats, there is a "View Request" link which will display the number of offers you have received for each Pokémon. The second part displays the trades you have requested for so you can see their status and whether or not your offers have been accepted.

PTD Trading Center

Time to Go Shopping!

If you are the one doing the Pokémon shopping, you can visit the Search Trades page. You can look for a specific Pokémon, with the type and level you want. If you wish to trade with a friend, you may search for their Trainer Account Name to display their advertised Pokémon. If you already know the Trade ID, you may input that as well. Once you find what you are looking for and if the given specifics are acceptable to you, you may choose the Pokémon that meets the trade criteria from your available listings. If every criterion is met, your Pokémon is automatically swapped with theirs. You may then transfer the new monster to your in-game account by choosing "Send to Profile" from the Pokémon Center's main page.

Though the Search function is not elegant in any way, it does what it is supposed to do. Remember that some parameters are prioritized over others, so if you are not going to use an option, leave it untouched and only specify terms for that particular search.

In cases where you want your Pokémon to sell fast, you can always do your homework in the Search Trades page. Want to know if your Shiny Vulpix is highly sought after? There is an "Or Search for which Pokémon other trainers want" option that allows you to check what other people are willing to give up for one of your beloved Pokémon. This does not mean that everything listed is an instant swap. As long as that particular Pokémon is listed as a Trade Request, it will be displayed, regardless if the player is looking for five other monsters as well.

Things to Remember About the Trading System

There are a few quirks you have to keep in mind when trading in the Pokémon Center. Sometimes when accepting offers, there is a delay in delivering new monsters. Often, it resolves itself in a matter of minutes. Otherwise, both Pokémon may have simply stayed with the original owners, so you may opt to initiate the trade once again.

Another thing to note is trade evolution. Since some Pokémon change form through trade, be careful when acquiring new ones with this trait. First, check if the trade-evolving Pokémon meets the level requirements and decide on offers appropriately. For example, if you are vying for a Kadabra, you may want to get an Abra and evolve it yourself. Abra evolves into Kadabra at level 16. When placed into the trading system and retrieved, they automatically evolve into Alakazam. So, if you come across a listing for a Kadabra, you will most likely end up with an Alakazam once you transfer it to your account.

While trading to catch all Pokémon, you will inevitably come across Hacked Pokémon. Just like the name implies, these are monsters altered by other players to have certain advantages over regular ones. While it sounds good, these are less valuable than legit Pokémon and tend to exhibit game-breaking traits. Due to the number of hacked monsters, you have to keep a close eye on the listings. Hacked Pokémon are labeled appropriately so you can easily steer clear of them.

Everything Takes Time

Due to the sheer number of variants, the trick to getting the most coveted Pokémon is to have a lot of patience. Unless you have been playing from the start, you may encounter some difficulty in getting event-exclusive monsters. These are highly sought after and hard to come by, but once in a while, a fair trade will come along. Perhaps from a veteran player who wants to give new fans a chance or from someone looking for a monster you have in excess. Regardless, be patient. Play the game and take part in the trading community, who knows what rarities you may come across.

Keep an eye out for easy trades. They may not be with Pokémon you are particularly interested in, but they may be for monsters that are more in demand. Look for available Pokémon that rank higher in terms of popularity or rarity. Like in real life, trading up is key to exchanging a low-level Pokémon for better ones.

Why Trade Matters

The game is completely playable without ever trading Pokémon with other people. The question is, why? One of the best aspects of Pokémon is enjoying the many types available, and chances are, you will not get any of the rare shiny ones or legendary types unless you do some trading. PTD offers a large active community for players to participate in, all you need to do is join in on the fun.