Pokemon Tower Defense 2 Walkthrough: Falkner's Gym Battle
Falkner, High Flyers and the Benefits of Rock Pokémon

Having exchanged some very mild words and light battle talk with the gym leader (Falkner), you begin the battle. Like the battle with the legendary birds, your first ‘Gym Battle’ actually takes place in the wonderful outdoors, which is a perfect environment for Falkner to show off his extremely high-level flying Pokémon.
The reason why I asked you to capture and train two Geodudes to a minimum of level twelve is because Falkner’s first Pokémon is a level 25 Pidgeotto and his second is a Pidgeot at an astounding level 30. Since I haven’t encountered any electric Pokémon thus far, I feel that rock Pokémon offer the best defense and you cannot really argue with the powerful ‘Rock Throw’ move which will have the battle won in no time at all.
Battle Strategy
Falkner starts with his level 25 Pidgeotto against which you are unlikely to stand a chance with low-level Pokémon that you may or may not have managed to capture and train to a high level. Even your starting Pokémon is unlikely to offer you much of an advantage.
As Pidgeotto is released, take a few seconds to drag out your Geodudes into the battle arena; anywhere will do for now since I just want you to see the arrangement of the active zones in which you can place your Pokémon to get a feel for this battle.
Pidgeotto appears on the far right of the battle zone, hovering in line with the middle square. Its only attack is ‘Gust’ which you must avoid at all costs if you are to survive the battle with him, let alone Pidgeot who is up next.
The tactic here is to set up your two Geodudes in any two of the three active zones that are in his immediate vicinity and set them to ‘Rock Throw’ as their only attack. This will chip away at his health fairly quickly provided you avoid Pidgeotto’s Gust move.

A light yet consistent stream of smaller, low-level Pidgeys will be flying around the battle arena while the action unfolds; these can be taken out with a single hit from the ‘Rock Throw’ by quickly positioning one of your Geodudes near them. Once these smaller Pokémon are dealt with, ensure that you return your Geodude to within Pidgeotto’s vicinity to keep chipping away at his health.
It won’t be long before Pidgeotto faints, leaving only a single Pidgeot at level thirty to content with. After a small period of time in which the low-level Pidgeys swarm in and hover around with a death wish, Pidgeot is released at the opposite (left) side of the screen, positioned in line with the middle square of the three vertical ones yet again.
Now more important than ever, avoid Pidgeot’s ‘Gust’ move, as this special attack from such a high-level Pokémon is quite deadly even to your highly-defended and sturdy Geodudes.
The procedure here is almost identical to your battle on the right side of the screen; the only variable is Pidgeot’s level and the number of gusts which he releases at any one time (three gusts simultaneously which travel laterally from left to right). Move both of your Geodudes out of the path of these gusts and then place them back into attacking position to keep chipping away at Pidgeot.
Alternatively, move them into attacking range of any smaller birds that may be hovering around to mop them up before they accumulate, but always keep an eye on Pidgeot’s gusts.
Using Geodude’s ‘Rock Polish’ move can speed up your attacks substantially. With these tactics, the battle should be over in no time.